
Fantastic Fungi

Fantastic Fungi

Louie Schwartzberg/2019/81 min/Wildlife, Conservation, Food & Agriculture, Waste

Sunday, March 14, 6:30 p.m. CDT

FILM DESCRIPTION: When so many are struggling for connection, inspiration and hope, “Fantastic Fungi” brings us together as interconnected creators of our world. “Fantastic Fungi” is a consciousness-shifting film about the mycelium network that takes us on an immersive journey through time and scale into the magical earth beneath our feet, an underground network that can heal and save our planet. Through the eyes of renowned scientists and mycologists like Paul Stamets, best-selling authors like Michael Pollan, Eugenia Bone, Andrew Weil and others, we become aware of the beauty, intelligence and solutions that fungi kingdom offers in response to some of our most pressing medical, therapeutic, and environmental challenges.

Tickets available to North American viewers only.

The Nature Makers

The Nature Makers

Scott Saunders/2020/68 min/Conservation, Health, Wildlife, Food & Agriculture

Friday, March 12, 6:30 p.m. CST

FILM DESCRIPTION: “The Nature Makers” is a moving portrait of passionate people and the extraordinary creatures they’re fighting to preserve. In a world increasingly dominated by humans, three teams of wildlife conservationists go to seemingly unnatural lengths to try to save threatened species and habitat in the American heartland. Stunningly photographed in the Grand Canyon and on the American prairie, “The Nature Makers” follows rugged biologists who’ve deployed helicopters, giant bulldozers and a host of human tools to defend wild nature. In the 21st century, defending the wild often requires, quite paradoxically, technology and aggressive human intervention.

Public Trust: The Fight for America's Public Lands

Public Trust: The Fight for America's Public Lands

David Garrett Byars/2020/98 min/Conservation, Energy, Social Justice, People & Culture

Sunday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. CST

FILM DESCRIPTION: Our public lands and waters are under threat. Despite support from voters across the political spectrum, our public lands face unprecedented threats from extractive industries and the politicians in their pockets. Part love letter, part political exposé, “Public Trust” investigates how we arrived at this precarious moment through three heated conflicts—a national monument in the Utah desert, a mine in the Boundary Waters and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and makes a case for their continued protection.