festival theme

Announcing Festival Theme 2022: 'TURN the TIDE'

Announcing Festival Theme 2022: 'TURN the TIDE'

Over the years, One Earth has framed our festivals with themes that represent a call to action: “This is the Moment” (2018), “All In” (2019), and “Power of We” (the election year of 2020). Last year we celebrated our 10th anniversary with “10 Years of Inspiring Change.”

As the imperative to act only grows stronger, our 2022 theme – “Turn the Tide” – reflects the wave of catastrophes rushing in at us and the need for us to push back, so we can avoid the worst case scenarios that threaten to sink our hope for a healthy future for our children.

The Power of We is One Earth's 2020 Festival Theme

The Power of We is One Earth's 2020 Festival Theme

This year, One Earth is looking to the power of collective action to make the change we need. Participation without cooperation will only get us so far, and far is where we need to go, fast! We are witnessing the necessity of collaboration, as seen in campaigns like “ban the straw” and global climate strikes.