clean air

What You Can Do for Earth Day 50

What You Can Do for Earth Day 50

April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a significant worldwide holiday to celebrate our green-and-blue planet and take local actions in our community. The Greater West Side — Oak Park, Austin, and River Forest — had planned multiple celebrations to honor and celebrate this important milestone, and we are now encouraging all to participate in new ways — virtually and in the real world.

Oak Park Recognized for Sustainable Fleet Achievements

Oak Park Recognized for Sustainable Fleet Achievements

The Village of Oak Park won a green leadership award at the Chicago Area Clean Cities (CACC) coalition annual meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5. The awards are given each year to local organizations and individuals that take actions to reduce petroleum consumption and improve air quality, such as by using cleaner-burning alternative-fuel vehicles, electric vehicles (EVs) or other advanced technologies.

The Village of Oak Park received the “Best Performing Municipality” award for the many steps it is taking to lower the carbon footprint and emissions of its vehicle fleet.